Make a reservation, get travel information, or make a complaint about Amtrak trains.
Get information or make a complaint about a bus or subway run by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA).
Learn about ridematching services and transportation alternatives.
Get general information about the Fair Fares discount MetroCard program for low-income New Yorkers.
Report a Fair Fares MetroCard that is lost, stolen, damaged, or not working and learn how to get a replacement.
Make a complaint about the Fair Fares NYC program or its employees.
Apply for a new film, video, or photography permit, or check the status of an existing permit.
Learn about the construction project to repair damage to the L train tunnel.
Get information or make a complaint about the Long Island Rail Road (LIRR).
Get information or make a complaint about the Metro-North Railroad.
Apply for a permit to perform in subways, streets, parks, and ferry terminals.
Get information or make a complaint about the New Jersey Transit bus and train system.
Get information about NYC Ferry, including routes, fares, and rules. Make a complaint or report a lost item.
Get information or make a complaint about train service between Manhattan and New Jersey.
Learn about the Port Authority Bus Terminal and the George Washington Bus Station.
Learn about or report a problem with the Roosevelt Island Tramway.
Learn about school transportation or report if a child missed a school bus.
Report a problem with a yellow school bus or bus driver.
Learn about Second Avenue Subway construction. You can also make a complaint.
Get information or make a complaint about the Staten Island Railway.
Get free subway travel passes for non-profits and schools that provide youth services.
Learn how to pay or dispute an MTA transit ticket.
Learn about transportation options for people age 60 and older. Make a complaint about a senior transportation provider.